How to KLAYswap
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What is KLAYswap?
To participate in minting, you need Klaytn. KLAYswap allows you to exchange your coins for Klaytn.
As an example, we are going to explain how to swap Ripple(XRP) for KLAY.
1. Kaikas Wallet
2. UPbit account that you used to purchase Ripple(XRP)
Visit the KLAYswap website( and click the ‘Start KLAYswap’ button.
2. Click the ‘Connect to Kaikas Wallet’ button and connect the Kaikas Wallet.
3. Click ‘My Assets’ at the top menu and the ‘Deposit XRP’ button.
4. Click the ‘Check Deposit Address’ button at the bottom and make sure to check the QR Code, Deposit Address, and Destination Tag.
5. You can check out the XRP quantity on KLAYswap once it is completed.
6. Click the ‘Swap’ button at the top menu on KLAYswap. Then, you can see a page where you can swap Ripple(KXRP) for KLAY. Choose Ripple for the From and KLAY for the To. Enter the quantity that you want to exchange. Click the ‘Swap’ button for the final step, and you have just done KLAYswap.
Swap trade will incur a fee. (Refer to the blue area below.)
When you have 0 KLAY, you will see a message saying ‘‘Transaction Fee(KLAY) is insufficient”. We recommend you ask your friends and acquaintances for 1 KLAY.